And this my FIRST POST for 2009! hah!
SPECIAL yea. =x
There's too many things to update, so i shall summarize!
One BAD thing that happened, Fell sick at beginning of new year! but a good thing happened when i fell sick, after school went home and sleep from 7pm to 7am! 12 hrs of sleep! haha.
While packing my drawer, saw many neo prints
taken back during secondary school!
It's been already one year, misses (:

This term is soooo short!! less than a month we will be having our final MST.
and after that will be 7 weeks of term breaks!
& of course school is always enjoyable with clique!
Laughters and more Laughters!
many of us went for haircuts at the same salon, so cool =x
Now, pictures shall do the talking!

Our own version of "twilight"!
haha just for Laugh, no offence for twilighters! :D
Crazy shots with mee pok and and mee kia!
only 3/8 of our clique!

With dodo, "crazy one" =x

with Jialing! the founder of "kallang" =p

next post upload the 8 of us! :D
Now, some photos to share!