It's been a Long time! haha.
Oh yes, Holidays!
It's Happening!
New Job, and it's with Dodo and Mag!
but somehow everytime the shift is not same with them.
Finally, today i'm working with them :D
Next Up, RCYNdp2009!
It's another chapter of my redcross life.
I know it will be worth it.
Evg Rcy Orientation Camp and OURS Camp just ended not long.
Not only did Savious learn alot through this..
so am i. (:
& i really enjoyed, the campfire night with the soarers!
chat until so late too! haha.
Crazy about Korean Boys before Flower!!
haha, it's really worth watching.
and first time i love listening to korean songs! :D
Next Happening! Going cruise with the girls on this sun!
Cant wait but i'm lazy to pack the stuffs.
haha, will be back on wednesday.
so till then!