Oh my, its been ages since i update!
can say I'm just plain lazy to blog and lazy to think what to blog.
alright, from now on i shall update as frequent as i can. :D
Holidays start now but it's meant to be study break with projectssss and assignmentsss.
But but, still can have fun! As long it's balance.
This week was a blast!
It started out smoothly because stayed back with dodo to practice the logistics assignment.
but in the end, we finished all. We had fun while doing the assignment, thats what learning meant to be!
Next,It's really fun to be with them (:
laughters always overfills.
Life,there will be ups and downs.
you gain something, you will lose something.
All these is so true.
Movie tomorrow with dodo and jes. (:
This is when we were relived for finishing the assignment. haha! <3